Plan Ahead for Aesthetic Success: Your Ultimate Guide

by | August 7, 2024 | All Treatments Lines & Wrinkles Slimming & Contouring Tone & Texture

planning an aesthetic treatment plan
By Michelle Wiksell

Plan Ahead for Aesthetic Success

Going to a party? Seeing family around the holidays? Maybe you have a high school reunion or an upcoming wedding to attend. It’s only natural that we want to look good for these occasions. “Look good, feel good,” as the saying goes! Many of us need a little help looking our best, and that’s where beyond|AESTHETICS comes in. What most people don’t know or tend to forget is that aesthetic treatment results take time and typically require more than one treatment session. That is why it is always better to start sooner rather than later.

Understanding the Timeline for Aesthetic Treatments

Unfortunately, many treatments in the aesthetic industry aren’t one-and-done). Most of the advanced treatments at beyond|AESTHETICS require a minimum of three sessions to see results, sometimes more, depending on how severe your concerns are. Below, we will share with you how often you should repeat treatments and why it is beneficial to wait between treatments.

1 Week Before the Event

For those last-minute touch-ups, consider treatments like DermaSweep, Signature Facial, Fire & Ice Facial, and Signature Peel. These are great options because, although you might experience some redness or flaking, this typically subsides within a week, leaving you with a perfect glow for your event.

4-6 Weeks Before


Staying consistent with your Botox treatments every 3-4 months will always yield the best results. Ideally, schedule your last treatment at least 3-4 weeks before your event as Botox takes 2 weeks to take full effect. While most patients don’t require dose adjustments, a follow up can be scheduled at the 2 week mark to ensure optimal correction.

Microneedling, Forever Young BBL, & Chemical Peels:

These treatments require a minimum of 7 days downtime due to redness, coffee-grounding (micro-crusting), and peeling. You will want to make sure your skin has ample time to heal and for the benefits of these treatments to start working. Bonus points if you do a series of three treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart before the big event!

3-4 Months Before


Most fillers take 4-6 weeks minimum to fully settle. This timeline accounts for any bruising, swelling, or lumps and bumps (all very normal side effects) that you may experience. After the 4-6 week mark, you might decide you want additional volume or contouring and decide to add more.

6 Months Before

Kybella, Sculptra & HALO:

One treatment of these can yield great results when proper recommendations are followed. Sculptra is best administered in two sessions (depending on age, goals, and the area being treated) spaced 6-8 weeks apart, with results showing as early as 10 weeks after treatment. Kybella is also spaced 6-8 weeks apart, with most patients needing at least two treatments. Healing time can last up to four weeks with some residual swelling, with full results visible after 12-16 weeks. Healing following HALO treatments typically takes one to two full weeks, with noticeable collagen and elastin results starting after three months.

1 Year Before


CoolSculpting is a completely customized treatment, which is why a consultation with one of our providers is required before booking. Treatments are generally spaced 6-8 weeks apart, with most patients needing three treatments per area. Full results can be seen eight weeks after the last treatment.
Laser Hair Removal: Depending on the area being treated, hair removal treatments can be spaced out 4-6 weeks (for areas above the neck) or 6-8 weeks (for areas below the neck). Most patients need a minimum of six treatments, with more hair-dense areas needing 10-12, which is why our hair removal packages are a great way to stay on track and save money!
Tattoo Removal: Fortunately, tattoo removal technology has only gotten better over the years. Our Alma ClearLift Laser is effective and fast! With tattoo removal, the longer you wait between treatments, the better, with most patients needing a minimum of six treatments. The pigment is broken up with the laser and carried away by your body’s natural lymphatic system, which takes time. Beginning treatments can be spaced out as early as eight weeks, with later appointments spaced 10-12 weeks apart.

Your Journey to Aesthetic Success Starts Today

Starting your aesthetic journey sooner rather than later is always ideal to give your body time to heal from treatments and to allow results to fully develop. We’d love to develop a customized treatment plan for you designed to meet your goals and address any skincare concerns. Talk to one of our providers to discuss your aesthetic goals and what your priorities are. At beyond|AESTHETICS, we’re here to help you look and feel your best for every special occasion—contact us now to schedule your consultation.



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